The ESP LTD M-1000HT packs a range of incredible tones. Its koa-topped mahogany body exudes warmth and resonance. Experience vintage tone with higher output and extra midrange sizzle, thanks to a Pearly Gates bridge pickup. Or switch to the Jazz neck pickup and benefit from tight bass and superb articulation. Push the boundaries of your technique on an Extra Thin Flat maple neck. Enjoy increased sustain, by way of the M-1000HT's Hipshot bridge. The ESP LTD M-1000HT's stunning koa top also offers eye-catching good looks.
With feedback from their impressive stable of artists, ESP worked tirelessly to get their Mirage body style just right. The M Series is all about comfort, tone, and sustain. When you're rocking hard night after night, the last thing you need is an axe that hangs on you like a boat anchor. M Series guitars fit you like a glove, they're lightweight, and they're nicely balanced so you don't have to expend energy keeping your neck from diving. Try on an ESP M Series solidbody electric guitar for size. You won't look back.
ESP LTD guitars were created to bring a more affordable version of the classic designs and quality of ESP guitars to a new market. The entire ESP LTD line of instruments feature premium tonewoods, quality pickups, and solid hardware for a lifetime of use. An exacting eye to detail and quality means that every instrument is ready to rock when it leaves the factory. An impressive list of signature guitars by some of today's biggest guitar heroes shows the popularity and respect held by ESP LTD.
ESP started as a manufacturer of after-market guitar parts in Japan in the late 1970s. By the mid-'80s, ESP was making custom guitars for some of the biggest names in rock. An exacting eye toward playability and craftsmanship has made ESP Guitars one of the most visible and prevalent guitar brands in rock and metal. Their commitment to quality is second to none, and their impressive roster of endorsers proves it. Between George Lynch, Ron Wood, Gus G., Kirk Hammett, and Alexi Laiho, ESP makes the guitars that today's guitar heroes use.